Aria Giovanni sexy in lingerie fashion

In 2000, Aimee Sweet introduced Giovanni to glamour photographer Suze Randall, who in late May of that year shot photos of Giovanni which appeared in the September issue of Penthouse magazine. At the same time, she also appeared on the web site Bomis, posing clothed for a Ferrari giveaway contest. Around the same time that she shot the Penthouse photos, she transferred to University of California, San Diego as a junior transfer student intending to major in biochemistry and minor in English writing. However, she opted not to attend as she felt that the workload would not leave time for modelling; "I knew I could always come back to school, but I probably couldn't come back to modeling." In 2001, she played Monica Snatch in the movie Survivors Exposed, a parody of the Survivor television series. She also appeared on the TV dating show Shipmates .

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