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Hogan was signed to Trans Continental Records in 2002. Her first song in the United States singles charts was "Everything to Me". Produced by Sheppard and Kenny Gioia in 2004 as part of her album This Voice, the single was released July 27, 2004. It appeared at #97 on the Billboard Hot 100, but dropped off the chart in a few weeks. The album was planned for release September 24, 2004, but this never happened. Brooke next appeared with her father in an hour-long profile on VH1, (Inside) Out: Hulk Hogan, Stage Dad. The success of this special spawned an entire series. Hogan Knows Best debuted in July 2005 and was the highest-rated series premiere in VH1's network history. The series, which helped her become a household name, was according to Hulk Hogan intended in part to promote Brooke's music career. In 2006, Hogan changed record labels and became the first artist signed to Scott Storch's label, initially called Storchaveli Records but later named Storch Music Company. Hogan's first single "About Us" premiered on season two finale of Hogan Knows Best. The album, Undiscovered, was releaed October 24, 2006.

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